Capacity Building of Human Resources in Health (HRH)
Collaboration for Digital Learning and Capacity Building (CDLCB) Partnering With IIT, Delhi
- Healthcare service providers across the country
- CDLCB platform between the Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi and Empower School of Health was established to deliver high-quality, equitable, evidence-based training to healthcare service providers in India. The collaboration partners with organisations in public, private, and non-governmental sectors to diagnose, design, develop, deliver, document, and disseminate training through digital platforms
- The CDLCB Platform applies a comprehensive, field-tested ‘7D’ framework to shape digital learning initiatives. It comprises of diagnosis of the gap or need in the capacity building, design and development of appropriate solutions, followed by delivery of the training solution. The last phase will be to document and disseminate the initiative.
- In the post-covid times, sustainable delivery of capacity building measures saw a paradigm shift. The CDCLB collaboration was the brainchild by Empower partnered with DMS, IIT Delhi to provide equitable, evidence based practices to provide capacity building trainings across the Indian subcontinent. CDCLB brings experts, practioners, academia, government (including all health and non-health government institutions), donors, multi-lateral institutions and implementing organizations to create an enabling environment to contexualise the best practices in the digital learning space.
Strengthening Capacity of NMCN and NIHFW to Design, Develop and Deliver Online Education to Medical Students and Public Health Professionals Across India (and Globally)
- National Medical College Network and National Institute of Health & Family Welfare
- Aggregating and strengthening online medical/health education for medical students and supporting the creation of a scaleable and sustainable digital public good for online learning to build capacity of 50 NMCN colleges and help them become self-sustainable and promote a single platform for all government-supported health and clinical courses for India (and globally)
- Aggregation and development of medical and public health courses to publish on National level learning management platform
- Support in technical and user experience strengthening of the existing platform
- Capacity building of content development staff of NMCN and institutional strengthening of NRC and RRC
- Advocacy and roll-out activities to improve visibility and user access to the platform.
- In the post-covid times, sustainable delivery of capacity building measures saw a paradigm shift. The CDCLB collaboration was the brainchild by Empower partnered with DMS, IIT Delhi to provide equitable, evidence based practices to provide capacity building trainings across the Indian subcontinent. CDCLB brings experts, practioners, academia, government (including all health and non-health government institutions), donors, multi-lateral institutions and implementing organizations to create an enabling environment to contexualise the best practices in the digital learning space.
Institutional Strengthening to Accelerate Actions for a TB Free India, iDefeat TB
- Institutional structures in NTEP and other stakeholders working towards TB elimination
- Strengthen and scale the capacity of training institutional structures in NTEP and other stakeholders working towards TB elimination by leveraging digital and blended learnings to strengthen the Indian TB-related institutions focusing on programmatic and clinical management of patients with TB and DR-TB. This helped in achieving the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and UNHLM-TB targets for India
- Preparing an e-Learning strategy and roll out plan for NTEP leveraging existing structures and investments
- Developing e-training content that can be adapted and customized for healthcare personnel working across the TB program
- Customizing and strengthening the learning platform (WHO Swasth E-Gurukul) and link all trainings with the existing Training MIS
- Providing ongoing technical assistance for delivering and improving the outcome of the trainings
- Strengthen the capacity and scale of CoEs and STDC’s to integrate and disseminate high quality content, using digital learning
- Tuberculosis has been a medical & public health emergency. With on-going programs throughout the globe & India’s vision for TB-Free India by 2025, Empower supported NTEP (with support from The Union & USAID) to provide digital learning strategies for wider dissemination of capacity building trainings across India. Through collaborative measures, evidence based e-learning & blended training practices were rolled out, which strengthened the capacity of COEs & STDCs to integrate & disseminate high quality content, while supporting tuberculosis eradication in India.
Enhance the Capacities of ASHA, ANW, and ANM on Menstrual Hygiene Management Through a Digital Open Mobile Classroom
- Health workers, communities, families
- Strengthen and build the capacities of ASHA, Anganwadi Workers, and ANM on menstrual hygiene management, through digital open mobile classroom, an innovative scalable, sustainable, and low-cost approach, providing access to training opportunities and educational resources at the primary healthcare locations having limited internet connectivity
- A custom self-paced online course in Hindi delivered through a mobile app accessed via tablets with interactive assessments
- Application supports online and offline operability built to ensure accessibility in low bandwidth areas
- Internet connectivity in the last-mile has been a challenge many have faced. Empower joined hands with Anil Aggarwal Foundation & Vedanta to strategise a unique turnkey solution: Open Mobile Classroom. This served as a custom self-paced, scalable & sustainable solution while training ANMs in Hapur district, Uttar Pradesh. The overall awareness for the community is deeply accelerated, while providing access to capacity building opportunities & literacy resources.
Improving RMNCH health outcomes in Francophone West Africa
- Nurses and midwives
- The project aims to strengthen the competencies and skills of nurses and midwives helping them cater to the emerging trends and changes in disease patterns through appropriate standards of care and education
- Needs assessment to guide the development of LMS
- Collate, curate and develop 100 hours of e-Learning content for a defined set of ‘modules’ within the existing WAHO RMNCH curriculum in French
- Design and development of LMS (web and mobile)
- Pilot testing of the courses, and capacity building of staff on the use of LMS
- Empower supported IntraHealth in their project “Classroom to care”, impacting the way nurses, ANMs, and other allied professionals learned about RMNCH in Africa. Through blended learning & an open-source learning management system, this project improved standards of end patient care, thereby helping the providers to offer better patient outcomes & healthcare service delivery.
Content Design & Development
e-Learning course on COVID-19
- Frontline staff health workers such as ASHAs, ANMs and Anganwadi
workers, government field staff, Save the Children’s project
staff, school teachers, and parents-caregivers
- Development of interactive content to create awareness regarding
COVID-19 Vaccination in addition to COVID-19 prevention and hand
hygiene for the health workforce and schools
- Secondary research to gather content on the prevention,
protection and spread of COVID-19 in the community with COVID-19
appropriate behaviour
- The course content was developed using a fine blend of
animations and interactivities with image and picture animations
relevant to the Indian region
- Interactivities like quizzes and knowledge checks, pop-ups,
click-and-learn and click-and-reveal interactivities were used
to ensure engagement
- The course also features the use of multimedia/ graphics/
visuals to keep learners engaged and to develop an emotional and
cognitive understanding
- Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Odiya
- Covid19 was the paradigm shift, which (through evidence) supported the importance of digital means of dissemination for sustainable capacity building measures. Empower supported Save The Children for their e-learning courses on Covid19 for ASHAs, ANMs, midwivery & others, while impacting the way the healthcare providers managed & delivered pandemic response in the critical times of need.
- Frontline staff health workers such as ASHAs, ANMs and Anganwadi workers, government field staff, Save the Children’s project staff, school teachers, and parents-caregivers
- Development of interactive content to create awareness regarding COVID-19 Vaccination in addition to COVID-19 prevention and hand hygiene for the health workforce and schools
- Secondary research to gather content on the prevention, protection and spread of COVID-19 in the community with COVID-19 appropriate behaviour
- The course content was developed using a fine blend of animations and interactivities with image and picture animations relevant to the Indian region
- Interactivities like quizzes and knowledge checks, pop-ups, click-and-learn and click-and-reveal interactivities were used to ensure engagement
- The course also features the use of multimedia/ graphics/ visuals to keep learners engaged and to develop an emotional and cognitive understanding
- Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Odiya
- Covid19 was the paradigm shift, which (through evidence) supported the importance of digital means of dissemination for sustainable capacity building measures. Empower supported Save The Children for their e-learning courses on Covid19 for ASHAs, ANMs, midwivery & others, while impacting the way the healthcare providers managed & delivered pandemic response in the critical times of need.
Training Course on Edible Oil Fortification
- Industry Experts, State FDA and Academia/Others
- First-of-its-kind self paced e-Learning course available to support and scale up fortification initiatives in the country on edible oil fortification that can be used by anyone (industry, government and researchers, and any other interested personnel)
- 4 hours of e-Learning course in English, created by adapting the developed guidelines and standards issued by FSSAI for India. The entire package is divided into 11 e-Learning chapters, translated in 5 regional languages (English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu)
- Empower was supported by GAIN & NIFTEM to create custom self-paced courses on edible oil fortication. Empower’s association with GAIN impacted the way industry experts & state FDAs conceived knowledge by the FSSAI, and the impact was deeply regional as an outcome, with over 5+ regional languages & communities invovled in the dissemination.
Mainstreaming Gender in Health and Nutrition Programs
- EngenderHealth project staff, Large Scale Food Fortification partners and, Gender Master Trainers
- Develop a simple, interactive and engaging user-friendly digital learning platform for different categories of audiences in the LSFF supply chain
- To support in building positive conversations on gender within all participating supply chain platforms and organizations at the optimum pace and frequency
- Adapt content from the existing training material to develop an interactive e-Learning course
- Develop a learning management platform to host the self-paced courses
- Train the EngenderHealth project staff, LSFF partners and gender master trainers in accessing the course
- Empower suppoted Engender Health in creating digital leanring strategies to directly impact the way gender is maintstreamed in the on-going nutrition programs in India. The project staff, gender experts & other partners were the direct end-users with impact scaling to a wider outreach throughout.
Young Health Programme Online Health Information Centre, Focusing on NCDs
- Unorganized/marginalized community children and adolescents in Delhi/ NCR region
- The project’s aim is to promote healthy policies and environments among adolescents of underprivileged communities in Delhi by creating an online training programme around healthy lifestyles, as per the available peer educator manual
- Content collation, curation, and creation of e-Learning courses
- Pilot testing of the courses
- Development of a learning platform
- Training of master trainers on the course accessibility
- Languges: English, Hindi and Tamil
- Non-communcable diseases (NCDs) still remain a topic with low advocacy & hence Empower joined hands with Plan India, to support the young population while creating self-paced e-learning courses on NCDs to impact and emphasise the adoloscents on health lifestyle, nutrition & health well-being. The outcomes also included peer educator manuals, which resulted in a sustanable solution for swift upgradation in protocols or SOPs
Courses on Program Guidelines and Training Modules for CHOs
- Community Health Officers
- Develop e-Learning courses based on approved program guidelines and training modules of CHOs by NHSRC
- Adapt content from the existing training material to develop interactive e-Learning course on the following thematic areas: Emergency Care, Oral care, Eye, Nose and Throat care, Palliative care, Elderly care, and Mental, Neurological and Substance Use (MNS) Disorders Care
- Front-line health workers are the backbone of any healthcare delivery system. Empower supported Jhpiego in co-creating modules for Community Health Workers, & impacted the way programs & program guidelines are being followed. Many thematic areas were positively impacted by this project, & improved the overall patient care outcomes in the areas the project was implemented.
Build the capacity of the project Elimination of Mosquito Borne Endemic Disease (EMBED) Team and Health Care Professionals
- Health care professionals and Project Staff
- Design creative, innovative, and interactive self-paced e-Learning content to ensure practical disaster and crisis management.This was done to build the capacity of the project Elimination of Mosquito Borne Endemic Disease (EMBED) team and health care professionals
- Designed creative, innovative, and interactive self-paced e-Learning content to ensure practical disaster and crisis management
- Development, hosting and maintenance of e-Learning modules on LMS
- Support on pilot testing (field testing) for feedback collection
- Content languages: English and Hindi
- Insect-based diseases have been a cause of concern. Empower supported Family Health India in creating courses to build capacity of healthcare professionals and on-going project staff. These courses, through innovative graphics & latest best practices, impacted in building a sustainable resource for capacity building against mosquito-borne endemic diseases.
Customized online Training Courses on Environmental Evaluation
- Evaluation professionals and Project practitioners
- Create a customiszed online training course with 5 modules (3 hours in total) on Evaluation, with a focus on evaluation tools and methods. These modules were created to assess the outcomes of environmental interventions over the course of a project/programme
- Development of an instructional video to guide the learners about the course
- ustomized online training course with 5 modules
- Empower & World Bank supported the Independent Evaluation Office (under Global Environment Facility) to impact the way environmental evaluation occurs. Customized self-paced e-learning courses were designed, to impact knowledge on evidence-based decision making for interventions in this area. The overall impact of the project was a much wider reach, by upskilling the way evaluatory tools & methods were used by practioners.
Design and Development Courses on Counselling and Prescribing Contraceptives in Pharmacies (CPCP)
- Target learners are pharmacists or pharmacy staff
- Self-directed e-Learning programme were created by integrating games and interactive activities and assessments. This was done to train pharmacy staff to competently counsel and prescribe self-care contraceptives and improve provisions and uptake of SRH services
- Learner navigates through 8 modules using authentic case scenarios to provide a client with a suitable contraceptive method. Principles of good communication, respect and people-centred care are integrated throughout learning activities
- Empower supported WHO in making e-learning self-paced content for pharmacies, in order to impact the way contraceptives are being distributed & utlised. This directly impacted the way sexual & reproductive health is looked at, by also creating wide-spread awareness on the much stigmatic topic, ie., contraceptives.
Development of MOOC on Youth Advocacy
- Young people in South Africa interested in becoming advocates for nutrition and health
- Created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) based on the adapted Youth Advocacy Guide (YAG) training package, specifically targeting adolescents and young people. This was done to equip young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective advocates for nutrition and mental health
- Design and develop e-Learning modules based on existing adapted content from the UNICEF Youth Advocacy Guide specific to the topics of nutrition and mental health
- Pilot testing and feedback incorporation
- Design and development of web LMS
- TOT on course accessibility
- Empower joined hands with UNICEF to promote youth advocacy, designed specifically for the young population to better interpret their nutrition & mental well-being needs. This online course was disseminated widely, and impacted the way adoloscents managed their personal health.
Supply Chain Management
Certification Course in Supply Chain Management Focused in UP and Bihar
- Supply chain professionals
- 8 chapters of one learning hour to strengthen the capacity of supply chain professionals in Uttar Pradesh & Bihar in India
- The learner navigates through 8 modules around the key topics on supply chain management developed in the local language
- Empower & BMGF supported PATH, UPMSCL in co-creating a certicate course in Supply Chain Management specifically designed for the state of Uttar Pradesh & Bihar. The overall impact was a more resilient supply chain community, directly & indirectly impacting the prepardeness & healthcare delivery in the mentioned states.
Empower’s Global Health and Supply Chain Courses
- Public health personnel from different medical and health sciences backgrounds and other academic fields
- PG Diploma and Certificate and Diploma courses to provide in-depth knowledge, professional education and training for individuals seeking careers in the field of SCM and public health
- Long-term (i.e., 12 months – PG Diploma) and short-term (i.e., 2-6 months – Certificate and Diploma) courses in procurement and supply chain management
- With years of expertise in SCM & procurement, Empower offers a plethora of long term, short term & certificate programs, specifically designed for future supply chian leaders. Our aluminis are working across the globe, in the most reputed organizations, while impacting the global supply chain resilience. Empower courses are opened to public health professionals, with different areas of interest, which makes our community diverse & promote peer-peer learning for continued adaptation.
Supply Chain Management Curriculum Development for Frontline Health Care Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Pharmacists, nurses, midwives, community health workers
- Developed supply chain management education package for frontline healthcare workers working at the primary healthcare centre at the last mile.This was done to ensure that the frontline healthcare workers have proper knowledge in SCM to respond swiftly to the pandemic while ensuring that humanitarian and recovery assistance reaches those most in need
- Modules with interactive case scenarios to test the knowledge of the users. Courses include authentic experiences shared by health workers. Users get Continuing Professional Development points for each course
- Empower supported J&J in impacting the healthcare delivery of allied health professionals across the sub saharan Africa. With supply chain as the backbone of any health system, a customized supply chain management training & education package was strategically disseminated, impacting the response to pandemic by front-line & allied health workers. This impacted the pandemic ready-ness of communities, while improving the patient outcomes & supported in building & stregnthening a resilient healthcare supply chain to battle future emergencies.
Leadership Training Programme
Strategic Training Executive Programme (STEP 2.0) (Uganda, Rwanda, Asia, DRC & India)
- Mid-level managerial staff in PSCM sector
- 6-month leadership training programme focused on workplace transformation challenge to strengthen the leadership skills of health supply chain leaders and managers
- A three-phase programme with blending elements of self-paced learning, facilitator-led training, on-the-job application of leadership skills and coaching support
- Empower along with partners supports mid-level managers in becoming future leaders, through this evidence-based leadership training. STEP 2.0 is a strategic mix of workplace application & blended training, which enable participants to strengthen their managerial skills, thereby directly impacting their workplace, their peers & the career trajectory a participant is apsiring.
CEO Forum
- CEOs/Director General/Senior Management Team of Central Medical Stores Departments (CMSD) from Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe with 30-50% women participants
- The program aims to build resilient in-country health supply chains by strengthening organisational capacity and building individual leadership and managerial potential
- This initiative is also designed to further develop the talent of women leaders and future leaders, thereby addressing gender and leadership transition challenges
- The participants identified their organisation’s needs in relation to governance, accountability, goals and objectives, and developed targeted strategies and plans for implementation
- The participants identified their personal strengths and weaknesses in the areas of leadership and management and developed a personal leadership development plan to strengthen their leadership and management capabilities
- The participants were mentored by high-profile and highly experienced health, supply chain and leadership experts
- A CEO Forum digital platform was created for continuous
engagement with the
community-of-practice and access to events, courses, resources and live technical assistance from global experts
- Leadership is a multi-dimensional profession, with change management & governance shifts inevitable. The CEO Forum is one initiative by Empower (with support from partners), where performance managemnet, strategic planning, team building, diversity-equity inclusiveness (DEI) are some of the potential impact areas the CEOs, director & other participants benefit from. It also bring gender inclusitivity, with change & leadership management targetted for women leaders in the healthcare space.